Preaching Without Words
Mime has more potential than ever! Think about it. In this age of Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and memes all over the internet, we are more influenced by what we see than by what we hear. EPPIC captivates audiences all over the world.
“Mime has a way of passing the intellect, engaging the imagination and pulling on the heart strings of your soul.” –Chris Erickson, Former Director of EPPIC Ministries
Our Mission
To creatively share the Gospel message through the performing art of pantomime.

Our Vision
To present the gospel to 25,000 people by 2025.
Our Purpose
The purpose of EPPIC is to make new disciples for Christ and strengthen existing ones by presenting the gospel through pantomime, or the “gospel in mime.” Pantomime, given its visual nature, provides a unique and effective transmission of the Gospel across different cultures and languages. Therefore, we use pantomime as an outreach tool and partner with local churches and organizations who provide for the disciples’ spiritual growth. To be effective in our outreach performances, we train our crew members in professional pantomime technique, while also discipling and encouraging crew members to grow in their personal faith. EPPIC stands for Each Person Personally In Christ, meaning our desire is to see as many individuals transformed by intimate relationships with Jesus as possible. Our crews are based locally, nationally, and internationally, and perform wherever God provides opportunity.
Encountering Hope
EPPIC is about more than an emotional response; it’s about being moved from something to someone. We want you to encounter hope in an ongoing story bigger than you… bigger than us.
Ultimately, EPPIC is about pointing audiences around the world toward hope in Jesus. We believe no message on earth is more important or necessary.
Some may refuse the words of a preacher, few can ignore the power of a story in motion. A teenager in Croatia, after viewing an EPPIC presentation said with a huge smile and tears streaming down his face, “I’ve never understood God’s grace… until now.” On the other end of the spectrum, a man in Europe said, “I don’t agree with your message—but I love the way you shared it.” Through mime, we have the opportunity to embody the truth of God’s Word and help people see and experience God’s grace, mercy and love that is now, in our day, extended to all who will receive, believe and have faith.
Project R.E.S.T.
Readying EPPIC for Service & Trust
Project R.E.S.T. is an exciting growth experience through which we train full-time mime crew members to serve locally, nationally and internationally. R.E.S.T. is a comprehensive training program that is used to develop EPPIC’s full-time ministry crew members. This program focuses on nine different areas of training.